Mac Farlane Carnival

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can we register for Mac Farlane Carnival 2017?
Interested persons can register by visiting the Mas Camp (our address is listed in our Contact Us section), or by visiting
A credit card is required to register online. Please note: registration is not open.
Details on both options will follow soon.

What are the hours of operation for the mas camp?
This information will be provided soon. Stay tuned to the website, Facebook and Instagram for updates.

What do I need to register for a costume?
You will need your clothing size (S, M, L, XL, XXL). In some instances, we will require more specific measurements; you will be contacted if that is the case.

What is the downpayment for costumes?
The downpayment for a costume in the Mac Farlane Carnival 2017 Presentation is TTD$1800.00. This applies to both male and female costumes.

Can costume sizes be changed once we register?
Unfortunately, we are unable to facilitate change requests in sizes for all costumes. Please ensure that the information is entered correctly when registering online or at the mas camp.

What is included in the cost of my costume package?

Mac Farlane Carnival 2017 will offer:

  1. A food-inclusive experience: Monday lunch, Monday evening snack, Tuesday breakfast, Tuesday lunch, Tuesday evening snack
  2. Security for all masqueraders
  3. A drinks-inclusive experience: Premium Bar
  4. A comfortable, easily accessible rest stop experience at Woodford Square

When is the balance of costume payment due?
Registered Masqueraders are encouraged to pay the balance of their costume cost prior to collection day. These payments can be made in-house at the Mas Camp or online via